Bacteria attacks - Colegiul National Emil Racovita (Cluj - Roumanie)

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Résumé de la production
In a bacterial culture, some bacteria organisms are producing a toxic substance that kills other bacteria. The change in population is modelled by a system of differential equations, where the growth rate is proportional to the existing population N(t) and decreases at a rate proportional to the concentration of the toxic substance T(t).
Our purpose was to analyse the evolution of the population for any initial population and parameters, to synthesise our findings into conclusions, and pose questions for future research.
We have found that there are two ways of approaching the problem: a theoretical one and a computational, more experimental one. Although the mathematical approach would be closer to a real situation, we only used it for general information. For the actual solving, we settled on using the computational one, as we found it to be more flexible and suitable to our project.
Mots clés
modèle mathématique
graphe simulation
Lecture conseillée
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